Source code for mi.actions.note

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Optional

from mi.exception import ContentRequired
from mi.framework.http import HTTPSession
from mi.framework.models.note import Note, NoteReaction, Poll
from mi.framework.router import Route
from mi.utils import check_multi_arg, remove_dict_empty
from mi.wrapper.favorite import FavoriteManager
from mi.wrapper.file import MiFile, check_upload, get_file_ids
from mi.wrapper.models.note import RawNote
from mi.wrapper.reaction import ReactionManager

__all__ = ['NoteActions']

[docs]class NoteActions: def __init__(self, note_id: Optional[str] = None): self.__note_id: Optional[str] = note_id self.favorite = FavoriteManager(note_id=note_id) self.reaction = ReactionManager(note_id=note_id)
[docs] async def add_clips(self, clip_id: str, note_id: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ クリップに追加します Parameters ---------- note_id : Optional[str], default=None 追加するノートのID clip_id : str クリップのID note_id : Optional[str], default=None 追加したいノートのID Returns ------- bool 成功したか否か """ note_id = note_id or self.__note_id data = {'noteId': note_id, 'clipId': clip_id} return bool(await HTTPSession.request(Route('POST', '/api/clips/add-note'), json=data, auth=True))
[docs] @staticmethod async def send(content: Optional[str] = None, visibility: str = "public", visible_user_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, cw: Optional[str] = None, local_only: bool = False, extract_mentions: bool = True, extract_hashtags: bool = True, extract_emojis: bool = True, reply_id: Optional[str] = None, renote_id: Optional[str] = None, channel_id: Optional[str] = None, files: Optional[List[MiFile]]=None, poll: Optional[Poll] = None ) -> Note: """ ノートを投稿します。 Parameters ---------- content : Optional[str], default=None 投稿する内容 visibility : str, optional 公開範囲, by default "public" visible_user_ids : Optional[List[str]], optional 公開するユーザー, by default None cw : Optional[str], optional 閲覧注意の文字, by default None local_only : bool, optional ローカルにのみ表示するか, by default False extract_mentions : bool, optional メンションを展開するか, by default False extract_hashtags : bool, optional ハッシュタグを展開するか, by default False extract_emojis : bool, optional 絵文字を展開するか, by default False reply_id : Optional[str], optional リプライ先のid, by default None renote_id : Optional[str], optional リノート先のid, by default None channel_id : Optional[str], optional チャンネルid, by default None files : List[MiFile], optional 添付するファイルのリスト, by default None poll : Optional[Poll], optional アンケート, by default None Returns ------- Note 投稿したノート Raises ------ ContentRequired [description] """ field = { "visibility": visibility, "visibleUserIds": visible_user_ids, "text": content, "cw": cw, "localOnly": local_only, "noExtractMentions": not extract_mentions, "noExtractHashtags": not extract_hashtags, "noExtractEmojis": not extract_emojis, "replyId": reply_id, "renoteId": renote_id, "channelId": channel_id } if not check_multi_arg(content, files, renote_id, poll): raise ContentRequired("ノートの送信にはcontent, file_ids, renote_id またはpollのいずれか1つが無くてはいけません") if poll and type(Poll): poll_data = remove_dict_empty({ 'choices': poll.choices, 'multiple': poll.multiple, 'expiresAt': poll.expires_at, 'expiredAfter': poll.expired_after }) field["poll"] = poll_data if files: field["fileIds"] = await get_file_ids(files=files) field = remove_dict_empty(field) res = await HTTPSession.request(Route('POST', '/api/notes/create'), json=field, auth=True, lower=True) return Note(RawNote(res["created_note"]))
[docs] async def delete(self, note_id: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ ノートを削除します Parameters ---------- note_id : Optional[str], default=None 削除したいノートのID Returns ------- bool 削除に成功したか否か """ note_id = note_id or self.__note_id data = {"noteId": note_id} res = await HTTPSession.request(Route('POST', '/api/notes/delete'), json=data, auth=True) return bool(res)
[docs] async def create_renote(self, note_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Note: """ リノートを作成します Parameters ---------- note_id : Optional[str], default=None ノートのID Returns ------- Note 作成したリノート """ note_id = note_id or self.__note_id return await self.send(renote_id=note_id)
[docs] async def create_quote( self, content: Optional[str] = None, visibility: str = 'public', visible_user_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, cw: Optional[str] = None, local_only: bool = False, extract_mentions: bool = True, extract_hashtags: bool = True, extract_emojis: bool = True, file_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, poll: Optional[Poll] = None, note_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Note: """ Create a note quote. Parameters ---------- content: Optional[str], default=None text visibility: str, default='public' Disclosure range visible_user_ids: Optional[List[str]], default=None List of users to be published cw: Optional[str], default=None Text to be displayed when warning is given local_only: bool, default=False Whether to show only locally or not extract_mentions: bool, default=True Whether to expand the mention extract_hashtags: bool, default=True Whether to expand the hashtag extract_emojis: bool, default=True Whether to expand the emojis file_ids: Optional[List[str]], default=None The ID list of files to be attached poll: Optional[Poll], default=None Questionnaire to be created note_id: Optional[str], default=None Note IDs to target for renote and citations """ note_id = note_id or self.__note_id return await self.send(content=content, visibility=visibility, visible_user_ids=visible_user_ids, cw=cw, local_only=local_only, extract_mentions=extract_mentions, extract_hashtags=extract_hashtags, extract_emojis=extract_emojis, renote_id=note_id, file_ids=file_ids, poll=poll)
[docs] async def get_note(self, note_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Note: """ ノートを取得します Parameters ---------- note_id : Optional[str], default=None ノートのID Returns ------- Note 取得したノートID """ note_id = note_id or self.__note_id res = await HTTPSession.request(Route('POST', '/api/notes/show'), json={"noteId": note_id}, auth=True, lower=True) return Note(RawNote(res))
[docs] async def get_replies( self, since_id: Optional[str] = None, until_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 10, note_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[Note]: """ ノートに対する返信を取得します Parameters --------- since_id : Optional[str], default=None 指定すると、その投稿を投稿を起点としてより新しい投稿を取得します until_id : Optional[str], default=None 指定すると、その投稿を投稿を起点としてより古い投稿を取得します limit : int, default=10 取得する上限 note_id: Optional[str], default=None 返信を取得したいノートのID Returns ------- List[Note] 返信のリスト """ note_id = note_id or self.__note_id res = await HTTPSession.request(Route('POST', '/api/notes/replies'), json={"noteId": note_id, "sinceId": since_id, "untilId": until_id, "limit": limit}, auth=True, lower=True) return [Note(RawNote(i)) for i in res]
async def get_reaction(self, reaction: str, note_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[NoteReaction]: note_id = note_id or self.__note_id return await ReactionManager(note_id=note_id).get_reaction(reaction)